1. Name
The association shall be called The Friends of Enfield Chase (the “Friends”).
2. Objectives
The objectives of the Friends are to:
2.1 Preserve and improve the newly restored woodland and supporting amenities within the area known as “Enfield Chase”, for the benefit of the whole community (See Annex1 for map of Enfield Chase);
2.2 Work in partnership with the London Borough of Enfield (the “Council”) in a spirit of co-operation in accordance with the Agreement dated 1st July 2022 (the “Agreement”) between the Friends and the Council with a view to deliver the Friends agreed Aims:
2.2.1 Help maintain and improve Enfield Chase to meet the needs of existing and potential users and enhance biodiversity;
2.2.2 To help protect Enfield Chase from inappropriate development and help to determine its future development;
2.2.3 Be guardians of the vision and ethos of Enfield Chase and to encourage and support the implementation of new elements within Enfield Chase;
2.2.4 Positively promote Enfield Chase and the benefits of volunteering and pursuing outdoor activities; encouraging others to do likewise;
2.2.5 Perform practical conservation in line with the Habitat Management Plan;
2.2.6 Raise funds as might be necessary to help finance the Friends’ work;
2.2.7. Work with other persons, groups and bodies who share these Aims as required.
3. Membership
3.1 Membership of the Friends is open to anyone with an interest in Enfield Chase. This shall include any club, local business, association or other group with an interest in Enfield Chase.
3.2 Any person, club or association wishing to become a Member shall apply in the manner approved for the time being by the Committee.
4. Officers
The officers of the Friends (“Officers”) shall be the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer, as elected in a General Meeting. The Friends shall have power to appoint such other officers as they may determine in a General Meeting.
5. The Committee
5.1 The Friends shall be managed by a Committee comprising the Officers and not less than four nor (subject to rule 6.2 below) more than eight other Members elected at an Annual General Meeting.
5.2 The Committee shall meet not less than four times in any year and all Members of the Committee shall receive not less than 14 days’ notice in writing (which may include email) of all meetings. Four Members of the Committee shall form a quorum.
5.3 All decisions of the Committee shall be by a simple majority vote, with each Member of the Committee present at the relevant meeting having (subject to Rule 6.2 below) one vote. In the case of an equality of votes the Chair (or his/her deputy appointed to chair the meeting) shall have a second and casting vote.
5.4 Save for the reimbursement of out of pocket expenses, no Member of the Committee shall receive remuneration from the Friends’ funds.
6. Powers of the Committee
The Committee shall have the power to:
6.1 Fill any vacancy among the Officers or elected Members of the Committee occurring during the year.
6.2 Co-opt additional Members to the Committee at its discretion: such additional Members shall only be allowed to vote at the discretion of the Committee.
6.3 Manage the affairs of the Friends, having regard to the Agreement, these Rules and any resolutions passed in a General Meeting.
6.4 Delegate authority to individual Officers or to other Members of the Committee.
6.5 Form, and appoint Members to, sub-committees, and determine their remit and powers.
6.6 Elect Members in accordance with Rule 3, and shall maintain a list of such Members.
6.7 Retain all sums of money that may be received by the Friends and hold them as the property of the Friends. The funds of the Friends to be banked and all cheques drawn or monies transferred upon the account of the Friends to be signed or signed off by email record by the Treasurer and one other appointed Committee Member (who shall have the power to pay the out of pocket
expenses of all Officers, the general expenses of the Friends and any other expenses or fees authorised by the Committee as consistent with pursuing the objectives set out in Rule 2).
7. Annual General Meeting
7.1 The Annual General Meeting of the Friends shall be held once a year, not less than 14 days’ notice in writing (which may include email) being given to all Members of the business to be transacted.
7.2 The Meeting shall receive the report of the Committee on the work of the preceding year and the statement of accounts. It shall elect the Officers and others required under Rule 5 and shall transact any other business properly brought before it.
7.3 It shall elect the Chair of the meeting, the Officers and Members of the Committee. Nominations for Officers and the Committee must be received by the Secretary in writing 7 days prior to the meeting, duly proposed and seconded and endorsed with the consent of the nominee. If no nomination is received in writing for any post, proposals can be taken from the floor.
7.4 This meeting will be an open meeting for the public to attend to discuss Enfield Chase: and progress in pursuing the objectives set out in Rule 2. Representatives of the Council, stakeholders as agreed (i.e. Councillors and Police etc.) will be advised of the meeting. Notices will be placed in Enfield Chase and social media in advance.
8. Extraordinary General Meeting
The Secretary shall convene an Extraordinary General Meeting at any time by the order of the Committee (and especially if the Friends are asked by the Council to consider any major strategic issues affecting Enfield Chase) or upon receipt of a requisition signed by not less than four Members. Not less than 14 days’ notice in writing (which may include email) of all Extraordinary General Meetings and all resolutions and business to be discussed
thereat shall be given to all Members. No other business shall be transacted.
9. Attendance and Voting
9.1 Four Members shall form a quorum at any General Meeting.
9.2 All Members shall be entitled to attend and speak at General Meetings and shall be entitled to vote. Subject to Rule 11, any question shall be decided by a simple majority of those present with a right to vote and voting. In the case of an equality of votes the Chairperson (or his/her deputy appointed to chair the meeting) will have a second and casting vote.
10. Alteration of Rules
These Rules may only be amended and other Rules made at a General Meeting by the vote of two thirds of those Members present with a right to vote and voting. Written notice of any proposed amendment or addition to the Rules (other than any proposed by the Committee) shall be sent to the Secretary not later than 28 days prior to the date of the meeting, and details of all proposed amendments or additions to the Rules shall be given in the notice convening the General Meeting.
11. Equal Opportunities
The Friends will not discriminate on the grounds of gender, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, sexuality, disability, religious or political belief, marital status or age.
12. Other policies etc.
Other policies, documents and best practices (etc.) will be developed as required and agreed at a General Meeting: this may include but not be limited to cover Our Values and Ethos, Volunteering, Safeguarding and Health and Safety.
13. Winding Up
If upon winding up or dissolution of the Friends there remain after satisfaction of all debts and liabilities any monies whatsoever, those monies shall be given or transferred to some charitable institution or institutions having aims and objectives similar to those of the Friends, as determined by the Committee, and in so far as effect cannot be given to such provision, then to some charitable object within the London Borough of Enfield.
Adopted date: 1 July 2022
Name and Date of each to be recorded below
John Cole 1 July 2022
Vice Chair: vacant
Steve Stillwell 1 July 2022
Andrew Walls 1 July 2022
Annex 1
A Map of Enfield Chase Spring 2022
Annex 2
Footnote to Constitution
Table 1-1
Lynden | Reed |
Andrew | Walls |
Steve | Stillwell |
Janet | Price |
Derek | Grant |
Peter | Palmer |
Alison | Winfield |
Lily | Ioannou |
Ralf | Kley |
Lynn | Kley |
Sam | Davies |
John | Cole |
Rajen | Pather |
Nik | Cain |
Mickey | Baxter |
John | Hughes |
Here is a record of the names of the Committee members who established the Friends of Enfield Chase 1 July 2022