Mid October 2022.
Some of the planted areas did not do too well with the drought probably being the main cause for concern.
One of the large areas had been identified as particularly in need of checking and a few of us met to mark survivors.
The weather was great so armed with aerosols we divided up this planted area and fought our way through the weeds (thinking that maybe they also contributed to the failure rate)
…some unexpected finds were small field mice nesting in their protected new homes
A large number of ‘failures’ were evident at the close of our session but we were surprised to find no common denominator…. some varieties had done well and also some areas had done well, but these were interlaced with the failures.
…what we find so encouraging is the number of people who have now heard of this great area and have already enjoyed it or who fully intend to take dogs/children etc along in the very near future.
The time is rapidly approaching now when our new preparation and planting programme will commence and we welcome all ages to join us in continuing in developing a whole new forest and parkland. We will join with groups to work at all levels ensuring suitablity of tasks…it should be fun and not tiring physical labour and many new friendships develop from being community-minded and with the overiding aim to leave this unique and wonderful heritage for future generations