So far the weather has been fairly kind for the groups of volunteers who have been working so hard , mainly at the Rectory Road fields. Great fun and enthusiasm from all ages and backgrounds and it a real pleasure to welcome so many new faces…..and, of course, thanks again for the many ‘old’ faces that seem to come regularly come rain or shine and have been seen wet, muddy, tired but still smiling…good on you all, and thank you
Lots still to plant so please tell your friends and probably the easiest way to get involved is to log on to the Thames 21 site where you will see the dates, directions of how to get to our planting days (and at other locations too) and much more information
These current planting fields are protected by deer-proof fencing so the whips (small saplings) get a chance to mature. This means that once we have dug them in they only need a small bamboo cane to show where they are.

These shots are from Rectory Road on January 31st ’23
and these are again at Rectory Road on 3rd February 2023
The plan shows the different tree planting densities
10th February 2023 # Rectory Road
The long canes are distance markers. Some areas are high density planting and some low density. The sticks are marked accordingly. Despite appearances…it is all well planned..
I love the shot of Lucy ‘in the bucket’ at the end of the day
This is at Rectory Road Farm on the 15th February
…So great to see the youngsters helping. We always find they really enjoy the challenge
17th February …gales and snow in Scotland today but we had some great sunshine (ok, if I am being honest…yes there were some clouds too)
This time we enjoyed the great help offered by Martin’s great scouts who did a fantastic job of planting and will be able to tell their families in years to come that they actually planted this forest….. well done folk…tell your friends …we need a lot more help..Loads of trees still to be planted
It is such a great opportunity for young people to be involved in community projects like this We speak to some youngsters who are amazed at the size of the fields and have never been in the ‘countryside’ before. Hard to believe but this project is open and available for all so we do encourage anyone reading this to join us and be part of the greatest new woodland creation project for London .
The shots of the ‘kids’ enjoying their break after a morning planting says it all. Well done and thank you all